Monday 18 December 2017


The propaganda magazine of the Islamic State (ISIS), Dabiq, published this typical photo from a Traditional Latin Mass as an example of what they call 'Christian disbelief and paganism' in an article titled 'Why we hate you and why we fight you'

In the West as well as in countries of Islamic heritage, engagement with Islam is a practical reality for many Catholics. Secular liberalism and Evangelical Protestantism criticise Islam in part for what it has in common with Catholicism. As Pope Benedict observed, ‘A reason which is deaf to the divine and which relegates religion into the realm of subcultures is incapable of entering into the dialogue of cultures.’ In terms of religious culture, the use of a sacred language, ritual, and chant, and the appeal of aestheticism specifically to men, gives the ancient Latin liturgical tradition, and its associated spirituality, a similar area of common ground with Islam to that enjoyed by the ancient churches of the East. . . . . . . .

The 32nd in the FIUV Position Papers series, called The Extraordinary Form and Islam is now available in the FIUV Positio section.

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