- to explain features which may seem puzzling (the use of Latin, the priest facing East, the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue, and only under the species of bread, etc.)
- to explain how this Missal can assist the Church in evangelisation, both within the Church, by stimulating debate on issues such as the Eucharistic Fast, and outside the Church, by its special appeal for certain regions and groups (China, Africa, children, men, and so on).
The papers have now been thoroughly revised and collected into a single volume, and published by Angelico Press with a Preface by Cardinal Burke under the title: The Case for Liturgical Restoration.
Buy the book here (in the UK), or from Amazon; here is the more info here.
“The importance of the publication of The Case for Liturgical Restoration: Una Voce Studies on the Traditional Latin Mass cannot be exaggerated.”
“The Case for Liturgical Restoration represents a comprehensive, competent, balanced, and constructive contribution to the field of liturgical science, and above all to liturgical life and practice in the Church of our days.”
See more about the book here.
Introduction (revised 19/3/12)
PP 1: The Service of Men and Boys at the Altar (revised 10/9/16)
PP 2: Liturgical Piety and Participation (revised 19/3/12)
PP 3: The Manner of Receiving Communion
PP 4: Liturgical Orientation
PP 5: The Vulgate and Gallican Psalter
PP 6: Liturgical Pluralism
PP 7: Latin as Liturgical Language (revised 10/10/12)
PP 8: Prefaces
PP 9: Silence (revised 10/10/12)
PP 10: Eucharistic Fast
PP 11: Western Culture
PP 12: Latin in Seminaries (revised 29/5/17)
PP 13: Holy Days of Obligation (revised 10/1/14)
PP 14: Holy Week Reform of 1955, Part I - General Comments
PP 14: Holy Week Reform of 1955, Part II - Liturgies
PP 15: The Lectionary of the Extraordinary Form
PP 16: The Proclamation of Lections in Latin in the Extraordinary Form
PP 17: The Reception of Communion under the Species of Bread Alone in the Extraordinary Form
PP 18: The Missa Lecta
PP 19: The Kiss of Peace
PP 20: The Season of Septuagesima, and Vigils and Octaves, in the Extraordinary Form
PP 21: The Extraordinary Form and the Eastern Churches
PP 22: Headcoverings in Church in the Extraordinary Form
PP 23: The Extraordinary Form and China
PP 24: Prayers for the Persecuted Church and the Leonine Prayers (revised 03/1/15)
PP 25: The Extraordinary Form and Sub-Saharan Africa
PP 26: The Extraordinary Form and Men
PP 27: Tradition, Reform, and Restoration
PP 28: The Good Friday Prayer for the Jews in the Extraordinary Form
PP 29: The Role of the Laity in the Extraordinary Form
PP 30: The Participation of Children at the Extraordinary Form
PP 31: The Extraordinary Form and New Age
PP 32: The Extraordinary Form and Islam
PP 33: The Sanctoral Cycle of the Extraordinary Form
Po polsku (on Una Voce Polonia portal)
Positio 1-10 in Polish (po polsku) in pdf, mobi and epub formats
Positio 11-20 in Polish (po polsku) in pdf, mobi and epub format
Introduction (revised 19/3/12)
PP 1: The Service of Men and Boys at the Altar (revised 10/9/16)
PP 2: Liturgical Piety and Participation (revised 19/3/12)
PP 3: The Manner of Receiving Communion
PP 4: Liturgical Orientation
PP 5: The Vulgate and Gallican Psalter
PP 6: Liturgical Pluralism
PP 7: Latin as Liturgical Language (revised 10/10/12)
PP 8: Prefaces
PP 9: Silence (revised 10/10/12)
PP 10: Eucharistic Fast
PP 11: Western Culture
PP 12: Latin in Seminaries (revised 29/5/17)
PP 13: Holy Days of Obligation (revised 10/1/14)
PP 14: Holy Week Reform of 1955, Part I - General Comments
PP 14: Holy Week Reform of 1955, Part II - Liturgies
PP 15: The Lectionary of the Extraordinary Form
PP 16: The Proclamation of Lections in Latin in the Extraordinary Form
PP 17: The Reception of Communion under the Species of Bread Alone in the Extraordinary Form
PP 18: The Missa Lecta
PP 19: The Kiss of Peace
PP 20: The Season of Septuagesima, and Vigils and Octaves, in the Extraordinary Form
PP 21: The Extraordinary Form and the Eastern Churches
PP 22: Headcoverings in Church in the Extraordinary Form
PP 23: The Extraordinary Form and China
PP 24: Prayers for the Persecuted Church and the Leonine Prayers (revised 03/1/15)
PP 25: The Extraordinary Form and Sub-Saharan Africa
PP 26: The Extraordinary Form and Men
PP 27: Tradition, Reform, and Restoration
PP 28: The Good Friday Prayer for the Jews in the Extraordinary Form
PP 29: The Role of the Laity in the Extraordinary Form
PP 30: The Participation of Children at the Extraordinary Form
PP 31: The Extraordinary Form and New Age
PP 32: The Extraordinary Form and Islam
PP 33: The Sanctoral Cycle of the Extraordinary Form

Positio 1-10 in Polish (po polsku) in pdf, mobi and epub formats
Positio 11-20 in Polish (po polsku) in pdf, mobi and epub format

PP 1: El servicio de hombres y niños en el altar
PP 2: La piedad litúrgica y la participación
PP 3: El modo de recibir la comunión
PP 4: La orientación litúrgica
PP 5: Los salterios de la Vulgata y galicano
PP 6: El pluralismo litúrgico
PP 7: El latín como lengua litúrgica
PP 8: Los prefacios
PP 9: El silencio y la inaudibilidad en la forma extraordinaria
PP 10: El ayuno eucarístico
PP 11: Cultura occidental
PP 12: El latín en los seminarios
PP 13: Los días de precepto
PP 14: Reforma dela Semana Santa de 1955, Primera Parte – Comentarios generales
PP 14: Reforma dela Semana Santa de 1955, Segunda Parte – Los oficios
PP 15: El leccionario de la forma extraordinaria
PP 16: La proclamación de las lecturas en latín en la forma extraordinaria
PP 17: La recepción de la Comunión solamente bajo la especie del Pan en la forma extraordinaria
PP 18: La Missa Lecta
PP 19: El beso de paz
PP 20: El tiempo de Septuagésima y las vigilias y octavas en la forma extraordinaria
PP 21: La forma extraordinaria y las Iglesias orientales
PP 22: Las mantillas para mujeres en la forma extraordinaria
PP 23: La forma extraordinaria y China
PP 24: Las oraciones por la Iglesia perseguida y las preces leoninas
PP 25: La forma extraordinaria y el África sub-sahariana
PP 26: La forma extraordinaria y los varones
PP 27: Tradición, reforma y restauración
PP 28: Las oraciones del Viernes Santo por los judíos en la forma extraordinaria
PP 29: El papel de los laicos en la forma extraordinaria
PP 30: La participación de los niños en la forma extraordinaria
PP 31: La forma extraordinaria y la New Age
PP 32: La forma extraordinaria y el Islam
PP 33: El ciclo santoral de la forma extraordinaria

PP 1: Der Altardienst von Männern und Jungen
PP 2: Liturgische Frömmigkeit
PP 3: Die Weise des Kommunionempfangs
PP 30: Die Teilnahme von Kindern an Meßfeiern in der außerordentlichen Form des Römischen Ritus

The papers are being progressively translated and published on WeChat. It is easiest to navigate from within WeChat, so follow this link.